
27/12/05 : My Name is Nobody

27/12/05 : My Name is Nobody : Directed by Tonino Valerii / Sergio Leone 1973 Spaghetti Western Comedy

INTERNET REVIEW : Jack Beauregard (Henry Fonda) is a tired, aging legend, who just wants to retire in peace in France where he came from, but is continually being dogged by men who want to kill him for the fame. 'Nobody' (Terence Hill's character) likes the old guy and wants to see him die in a blaze of glory going against the Wild Bunch singlehanded.

Being an self proclaimed aficionado of this genre I had wanted to see this film for ages and was well pleased when Reko suggested it as a choice for film club. Although plenty may disagree with me, I would gladley place this film up on the shelf with the big boys ( once upon a time, few dollars etc ) and immediatley bought 3 copies from ebay as birthday gifts for friends and family. There are some hilarious scenes in this film and the comical aspects summed up what the genre is all about. Spaghetti Westerns for me have always been like visual comic books where the heroes and villains are almost too good ( or bad ) to be believed. I loved the idea of a gunslinger who can draw and reholster 3 times before his opponant has even reached for his. 10/10

We maintained the comedy vibe by viewing various amusing animals clips that Reko had downloaded ( talking dogs, skateboarding cats etc )

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