
07/03/07 : CLOCKERS Spike Lee 1995

Clockers was one of those films that we all thought we had seen, but couldn’t quite remember the exact plot. The opening sequence immediately catches you off guard as the camera pans back from a bullet hole in someone's forehead and moves into a montage of graphic images of gunshot victims - just in case any of us were thinking of pursuing a career in clocking after watching the film!

The central character is a low level dealer (or 'clocker') called strike, who is persuaded to 'take someone out' by his boss in an attempt to move himself 'up the ladder'.

Inevitably - it's not that easy and the film follows the chain of events that follow as strikes situation moves from fairly crap to completely shite.

The stand out performance for me was by Thomas Jefferson Byrd who plays a dangerous crack head nut case called Errol Barnes.

This is undeniably a great film - with good actors, script, dialogue etc, but for some reason I wasn’t left feeling quite as blown away with it as perhaps I should have been. This partly may have been due to the fact I was tired and not in the best frame of mind to start off with. I wouldn’t say I didn’t enjoy it but just felt a bit non plus - ed at the end. Not really sure why.

Anyway - please don’t let my apathy put you off seeing this film. Compared to the majority of stuff that’s shown on television or available in the video shop this is miles ahead.

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